Sunday, December 29, 2019

Study Guide for Shakespeares Sonnet 29

Shakespeare’s Sonnet 29 is noted as a favorite with Coleridge. It explores the notion that love can cure all ills and make us feel good about ourselves. It demonstrates the strong feelings that love can inspire in us, both good and bad. Sonnet 29: The Facts Sequence: Sonnet 29 is part of the Fair Youth SonnetsKey Themes: Self-pity, self-hatred, love overcoming feelings of self-deprecation.Style: Sonnet 29 is written in iambic pentameter and follows the traditional sonnet form Sonnet 29: A Translation The poet writes that when his reputation is in trouble and he is failing financially; he sits alone and feels sorry for himself. When no one, including God, will listen to his prayers, he curses his fate and feels hopeless. The poet envies what others have achieved and wishes he could be like them or have what they have: Desiring this man’s heart and that man’s scope However, when in the depths of his despair, if he thinks of his love, his spirits are lifted: Haply I think on thee, and then my state,Like to the lark at break of day arising When he thinks of his love his mood is elevated to the heavens: he feels rich and wouldn’t change places, even with kings: For thy sweet love remembered such wealth bringsThat I scorn to change my state with kings. Sonnet 29: Analysis The poet feels awful and wretched and then thinks about his love and feels better. The sonnet is considered by many to be one of Shakespeare’s greatest. However, the poem has also been scorned for its lack of gloss and its transparency. Don Paterson author of Reading Shakespeare’s Sonnets refers to the sonnet as a duffer or fluff. He derides Shakespeare’s use of weak metaphors: â€Å"Like to the lark at break of day arising/ From sullen earth...† pointing out that the earth is only sullen to Shakespeare, not to the lark, and therefore the metaphor is a poor one. Paterson also points out that the poem does not explain why the poet is so miserable. It is up to the reader to decide whether this is important or not. We can all identify with feelings of self-pity and someone or something bringing us out of this state. As a poem, it holds its own. The poet demonstrates his passion, mainly for his own self-loathing. This may  be the poet internalizing his conflicting feelings towards the fair youth and projecting or crediting any feelings of self-worth and self-confidence onto him, attributing the fair youth with the ability to affect his image of himself.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Technology changing the face of education - 1384 Words

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Case Study 1: Technology changing the face of education ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Technology is changing rapidly with new innovations and discoveries being made across the world. The change has touched our lives, directly and indirectly. One of the core aspects of an individual’s life is education and today, technology through the availability of expansive data and information is bringing about a revolution in this world. Technological advances like e-learning, internet; educational cds, digital classrooms, etc. are being embraced by several educational institutions to provide the†¦show more content†¦Chimps can process a smaller number of contacts than humans. Dunbar concluded that humans can handle regular contact with a number of friends somewhere between 100 and 200, and 150 became the standard Dunbar number for our species. So, though the social networks tend to give the perception of an increased friend circle, the individuals are actually in touch with much lesser. There are also cases of enhanced loneliness amongst individuals since the only interaction with their friends might be through the virtual media. Sandeep Chalamalasetty Login ID: PNPO13021300502 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Case Study 3: FDI in Indian retails- Boon or Bane? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Indian economy has continuously recorded high growth rates over the past decade. As per the Indian Prime Minister, Dr. Manmohan Singh, the Indian economy is expected to grow at around 7.5% over the coming years. One of the major contributors to the growth shall be the Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) and it is predicted that over the next two years, India could attract FDI worth US$ 80 billion. The latest available data from the Reserve Bank of India shows a 77 per cent jump in the FDI in the first half of theShow MoreRelatedTechnology Is Changing The Way We Learn Essay883 Words   |  4 PagesTechnology is changing the way we learn because of immediate access to information from Internet. This has changed the way we live, work, play and it is challenging in the way we think. Technology has made the most complex problems simple in a matter of seconds. When I was a child, I would go to the library to do research for school projects, this is now a thing of the past. Advancements in technology have made it possible for children from all over the world have a vast amount of knowledge rightRead MoreHow Technology Affects Our Education Essay1357 Words   |  6 PagesIs technology changing the way we think and the way we learn? The internet is a powerful source that has taken over our current generation. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Cadburys Advertising free essay sample

The product that I have chosen to compare adverts on is ‘Cadbury’s Dairy Milk Chocolate’. I will be comparing a TV advert and a print advert. I am doing Cadbury’s chocolate because it is my favourite type of chocolate also their adverts are funny and they stick in your head. They started selling chocolate in 1897 and have since then sold over 300 million chocolate bars in the UK alone. My immediate impression of the adverts were that they both include bright colours in which catch your eye; therefore you will be interested to see what is being advertised. Another aspect of both adverts is that they both advertise the ‘nutritional’ aspect of the chocolate bar; this is the 1? glasses of milk logo that everyone knows as it is on the wrapper. As a child, if you saw it you would think that it is healthy because it has milk in it so you would ask your parents to buy it for you. We will write a custom essay sample on Cadburys Advertising or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The differences would be the colours; the print advert is orange and black which isn’t usually associated with Cadbury’s were as the TV advert includes a lot of purple which is the main colour that people associate with Cadbury’s therefore more people might buy more chocolate. The connotation of the colour purple is a warm colour. A difference between the two adverts is that the TV advert is shown on TV all through the day so that people of all will be able to see it. Most families have at least one TV in their house so this way thousands of people could see the advert at once. This is an advantage for the Cadbury’s company as they will get more sales of their product purely because they created an advert that many people can see at any one time. A setback for the printed advert is that it is only seen by people who buy magazines so it isn’t seen as much as the TV advert, which in the long run could reduce the number of sales. Another difference between the adverts would have to be that the print advert is quite an old advert so wouldn’t be as easily recognised as the TV advert which again could reduce the number of sales because people tend to trust and believe something familiar as it is often said the people are ‘scared’ of something different or unfamiliar.