Wednesday, February 26, 2020

A formal analysis of history of art-Africa Essay

A formal analysis of history of art-Africa - Essay Example there is a protrusion which can only be a nose and that is set close to two ovals that also contain indentations that could be interpreted as marks for the pupils of the eyes. It is difficult to be sure if the eyes make the nose more obvious or vice versa but the overall effect is clearly a human face. However, there is no discernable mouth which is perhaps the artistic license taken by the individual who created this object. Below the face, there are is an almost square hollow created which could represent the legs or the neck of the figure. Going beyond what is obvious, the colors of the object give it the sheen of aged wood or leather. The top part of the object which appears to be dark brown and cracked in places gives the impression of leather while the bottom most part has chipped away in places to reveal a softer shade of brown and that gives the impression of wood being used in the construction. The bottom part is something which does not appear to fit in the shape since it contains a hollow within it while the rest of the object is quite solid. In essence, it seems that the bottom of the object is moving against it. On the other hand, the shapes behind the face and the curved top fit together quite well since the graceful curves complement each other and accent the most prominent feature of the artwork i.e., the human face. Since the object can also be split up into three distinct regions, of which the first is the curved shape at the top, the middle being the face and the bottom region containing the square hollow, it is easy to say that the object is made to be stood, presented and viewed vertically. The overall shape of the object in terms of being oval or not is difficult to define. Without taking the square hollow into the picture, graceful curves and oval shapes would have dominated the object and it would have been easy to say that the object is circular. However, the violent presence of sharp angles that make the bottom most part of the object

Monday, February 10, 2020

Explain the paradox of slavery and freedom, and how slavery and ideals Essay

Explain the paradox of slavery and freedom, and how slavery and ideals of freedom could coexist in North America - Essay Example Though, all these practices have now been legally eliminated but it still remains in the form of racial discrimination, which is quiet apparent in the American Society1. These marginalized groups of people now face the harsh treatment even in the hands of legal systems in America. White policemen are let of for killing a black youth, while a black person is severely punished for a small crime. There are other racist activities carried out at workplaces, schools and institutions where they are not given equal treatments and are looked down upon. Hence, it can be concluded that the concept slavery and freedom paradox is evident in American Society. The black president of white America, President Obama recently reacting to a comment to a white Coach of Basket Ball Team, said, â€Å"United States continues to wrestle with legacy of race and slavery and segregation. We have made enormous stride but you are going to continue to see this percolate up every so often2.† This comment was made recently when the coach showed a discriminatory behavior against the blacks. Obama On Nba Owners Comments: Us Continues To Wrestle With Legacy Of Race, Slavery And Segregation. April 27, 2014. (accessed 2014 30,